Sunday, August 17, 2008

Schmalzler on ARD tomorrow Aug. 18

Hey I just received this e-mail from the Schmalzler. Those of you who have Shift TV or have access to ARD programs in Germany will want to record the Musikantenstadl - Best of mit Andy Borg tomorrow, August 18. The program lasts about 117 minutes.

Many of you were lucky enough to see the Schmalzler perform live at the Milwaukee German Fest and if you enjoyed this group you will not want to miss this upcoming program. Some of you also noticed that there was a camera crew from Pro Sieben following them around. They will be broadcasting that Special on TV in Germany and when I get some details, I will post them here.


Liebe Freunde,

völlig überaschend erfuhren wir gestern während eines Auftrittes das wir bei der
Eurovisionssendung (ARD/ORF/SF) Musikantenstadl - Best of mit Andy Borg dabei waren.

Wir haben uns natürlich sehr über diese Nachricht gefreut.

Die Sendung wird am Montag, 18.08.2008 / 10.03 Uhr in der ARD nochmals wiederholt.

Mit herzlichen Grüßenund den besten Wünschen

Die Schmalzler