Sunday, August 31, 2008

Congratulations "Semmi' & Ilona

Today I was listening the Ted Hierl's Radio show on the internet. Ted Hierl, a well-known radio announcer in New Jersey/Pennsylvania/New York, has organized cruises with famous German entertainers for 20 years. Those of you who have been on these cruises the last few years have gotten to know the Elstertaler band and especially "Semmi" & Ilona. Ted announced that Wolfgang Semmler & Elona were recently married in Essbach, Thuringen. Semmi & Ilona have been on many of these cruises and Semmi coordinates the entertainers and the Elstertaler Musikanten. Ted also played a taped interview with Semmi while he & his wife, Hilde, attended the wedding in Germany.

They will be on the next cruise in October that is going to Hawaii featuring Reiner Kirsten. So if you are going on the cruise to Hawaii be sure to congratulate them on their long awaited marriage.

If you would like to send the happy couple an e-mail of congratulations, just click below.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Grand Prix der Volksmusik Results

I am lucky enough to have a friend, Maria Olligies, who was in Zurich to
watch the Grand Prix der Volksmusik live. Maria was the Talent Coordinator for the Stimmung Stunde and arranged for us to have some great interviews with a lot of stars in Europe.

Well I just might be the first person in the USA to find out the results of the Grand Prix der Volksmusik. Maria sent me a text message with the names of the top 3 winners, and here they are:

1. Die Klostertaler --- Heimat is dort wo die Berge sind
2. Vincent & Fernando --- Glaube an Gott
3. Oesch's die Dritten --- Die Jodel-Sprache

It was a real nail bitter because the Klostertaler and Vincent & Fernando both had 35 points at the end. Then they had a tie breaker, but they both had the same number of points. Then they announced that there had been a jury that voted also as a tie breaker and then the Klostertaler were declared the winners.

I was so very disappointed because I really wanted our friends, Vincent & Fernando, to win first place this time. They won 2nd place in 2006 & 2007 and now again in 2008. They were so very close! Just take a look at the video I posted of their song further in this blog.

If you want some more details, just go to the official website showing the total points each participant received.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

105th Harley Celebration

Milwaukee will be buzzing this weekend. It is the 105th Harley-Davidson anniversary and the streets are already starting to show the signs of motorcycle enthusiasts.

The Harley museum here in Milwaukee opened in July and is anxiously awaiting a packed house this weekend. There are a lot of various activities all over the city and the news shows have been full of stories. If you would like to see some of the videos that Channel 4 has on their website just
or take a look at the Harley-Davidson site

There is one man who decorated his Harley with 105 US flags. There are stories of how far people have traveled just so they can be part of this celebration.

Those of us who live here try to be careful when we are driving, because most of our 2-wheeled visitors are not familiar with our city and are just here to have fun. Even my friend, Irene, is going to have fun this weekend.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Grand Prix der Volksmusik - August 30

It's just 6 more days before the Grand Prix der Volksmusik is taking place in Zurich, Switzerland on August 30. All of you who have Shift TV, don't forget to record this program.

Of course, my favorites are the brother duo, Vincent & Fernando. They were the first entertainers that gave the Stimmung Stunde an interview and you can still hear that interview by clicking here - 1, 2, 3. Here is a link to Maria Olliges' fan club page, who was the Talent Coordinator for the Stimmung Stunde and still very active in the Volksmusik world. I have a video of the entry by Vincent & Fernando this year, Glaube an Gott, so you can have an advance peek at their entry. Gunther Behrle wrote this song and I was lucky enough to see him in Lake Villa in June.

If you would like to see what this year's contestents look like and in many cases sound like, click on the links below. Which one do you think will be the grand prize winner this year?


Udo Wenders --- Der Letzte Zug, Cara mia
Die Klostertaler --- Heimat is dort wo die Berge sind
4 Holterbuam & Die Mayrhofner --- Tiroler - Steirer Musimix
Stodertaler Gaudi-Express --- Volksmusik mus es sein
Captain Cook --- Ich den so gern an meine Mutter
Die Schaefer --- Glaube ist...
Michael Klostermann/
...Die Jungen Orig. Oberkrainer --- Vom Egerland bis Oberkrain
Dorfrocker --- Und ab geht die Luzzi
Sauguat --- Der Schaefer vom Schnalstal (Disqualified) .
Bergfeuer & Judith --- Liebe ist ein Kind der Freiheit
Vincent & Fernando --- Glaube an Gott
Geschwister Niederbacher --- Die Alte Madonna
Bergdiamanten - Ein bisschen Gottvertrauen
Oesch's die Dritten --- Die Jodel-Sprache
Kapelle Oberalp, Domingo Rey &
...Los Brillantes Paraguayos --- Lueg a moi
Christian Duss --- Komm ich zeige dir dei Sterne
Manuela Fellner & Urs Meier --- Lauf dem Glueck nicht hinterher

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pageant Cast at Beauties of America broadcasts LIVE

If you have been wondering what Tim has been doing since he left the Stimmung Stunde in March 2007, look at the picture posted here. He is in Myrtle Beach at the Beauties of America Pageant and these are his Limo buddies. He has a bunch of pictures of his first day that include going with these ladies in a Hummer stretch Limo to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner and also pictures of the newly opened Hard Rock Theme Park, just .

Tomorrow, Saturday, August 23, he will be attempting to broadcast some interviews LIVE from Myrtle Beach after the Beauty Pageant concludes at 10 pm EST, 9 pm Central. Tim's Pageant Cast podcast is becoming well known and he loves getting these kind of invitations. Here is the e-mail I received from him with all the details.

Yes, the PageantCast is going to give a live show a shot--at approximately 10 p.m. EST, immediately following the Beauties of America pageant, we will be podcasting live from Myrtle Beach.

It will be at a special website. You MUST go to to get this special show.

Now, for some reason my chat within UStream isn't working, so our YIM and AIM accounts (YIM: PageantCast; AIM: TimRizzo) will be used if you'd like to participate with the live show.

Hope to see, er, hear, er...well, hope you can make it! See you Saturday night at 10 p.m. EST!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Fonz in Bronze

Yesterday, August 19, Milwaukee had a pretty busy day. The long awaited Marquette interchange was finally finished and had a ribbon cutting ceremony with Wisconsin's Governor Doyle to open the freeway under budget and earlier than expected.

But that was not the big story all over TV. Henry Winkler, who played "the Fonz" on Happy Days for many years, was in town along with most of the shows cast members. He was invited to take place in the Dedication ceremony for the unveiling of the Bronze Fonz statue.

If you would like to read the stories and see lots of videos and news coverage, just
and the link will take you to Channel 4's WTMJ website with all sorts of info about the event.

The day's events included a parade with Happy Days cast members riding in vintage cars from downtown Milwaukee to the Miller Park stadium. Anson Williams (Potsie) sang the national anthem to start off the baseball game. The picture to the right has Henry Winkler in front of the Bronz Fonz along with his two sons who were here to help their Dad celebrate.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Schmalzler on ARD tomorrow Aug. 18

Hey I just received this e-mail from the Schmalzler. Those of you who have Shift TV or have access to ARD programs in Germany will want to record the Musikantenstadl - Best of mit Andy Borg tomorrow, August 18. The program lasts about 117 minutes.

Many of you were lucky enough to see the Schmalzler perform live at the Milwaukee German Fest and if you enjoyed this group you will not want to miss this upcoming program. Some of you also noticed that there was a camera crew from Pro Sieben following them around. They will be broadcasting that Special on TV in Germany and when I get some details, I will post them here.


Liebe Freunde,

völlig überaschend erfuhren wir gestern während eines Auftrittes das wir bei der
Eurovisionssendung (ARD/ORF/SF) Musikantenstadl - Best of mit Andy Borg dabei waren.

Wir haben uns natürlich sehr über diese Nachricht gefreut.

Die Sendung wird am Montag, 18.08.2008 / 10.03 Uhr in der ARD nochmals wiederholt.

Mit herzlichen Grüßenund den besten Wünschen

Die Schmalzler

West Bend, Wisconsin Germanfest

August 22, 23, & 24, 2008 --
Various Opening Times (Check the website to confirm opening & closing times)

Also if you click the EVENTS button on the left, it will go to the Stimmung Stunde Bulletin Board with a complete schedule of Entertainment.

Ticket Cost: Free

This is a street festival, however, there is a beer tent, some seating, a stage and even a dance floor.

Gates open at different times each day so take a look at their website to make sure when it starts.

Hey all you Richard Brandl fans. The West Bend German Fest will be featuring this popular yodler from Germany on all 3 days. Friday, 2:00 - 2:30 pm & 4 - 5 pm; Saturday, 4:30-6 pm & 7 - 8 pm; Sunday, 2 - 4 pm & 5:30 - 7:30 pm. He will be appearing with on of Milwaukee's favorite bands, Austrian Express.

Food and beverages will be available for purchase throughout all three days.

The annual West Bend Germanfest in downtown West Bend, Wisconsin is always a favorite. You will not need an address to find this festival. Just set your GPS to West Bend, Wisconsin and listen for the music! For more information call: 262-338-3909

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Milwaukee German Community Events

Click on the flag to get more details about Events around Milwaukee in the Germany Community. Below is a brief listing of Events.

Aug 22, 23, & 24 - West Bend Germanfest
September 5, 6, 7 - Bavarian Inn Oktoberfest
September 12, 13, 14 - Bavarian Inn Oktoberfest
September 13 - Lake Villa Oktoberfest
September 19, 20, 21 - Bavarian Oktoberfest
September 19-21 - Oktoberfest in Chippewa Falls
September 20 - Lake Villa Oktoberfest
September 21 - Croatian Sacred Heart Church - Palacsinta Breakfast
September 26 - Croatian Sacred Heart Church - Fish Fry
September 27 - Lake Villa Oktoberfest
Oct 4 - Danube Cultural Society (DCS)- Kirchweih
October 10-11 - Croatian Sacred Heart Church - Sarma Sale
October 18 - D'Oberlandler - Kirchweihfest (80th)
October 24 - Croatian Sacred Heart Church - Fish Fry
November 11 - Rheinischer Verein - Hoppeditz Erwachen
November 15 - Rheinischer Verein - Prinzenkroenung
December 31 - Rheinischer Verein - Gala New Year's Eve Dinner Dance
Feb 1 - Rheinischer Verein - Kappensitzung
Feb 19 - Rheinischer Verein - Weiberfastnacht
Feb 21 - Rheinischer Verein - Maskenball
Feb 28 - Rheinischer Verein - Kehraus

July 24, 25, 26, 27 - German Fest Yes, those dates are correct!

Yes, German Fest starts tomorrow in Milwaukee. We have all been waiting for this event all year. I have it on good authority that all the entertainers from Germany landed safely yesterday and they can hardley wait to get up on those stages to entertain the crowds.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2008 Olympics

Did you see the opening ceremonies this year? They were great! If you missed them here is a link to YouTube to catch up on what you have missed.

Even though I have TiVo I just cannot keep up with watching all the events, but I really want to see the results. Just CLICK HERE to see a table showing how many metals each country has won and there are other links/filters there to check on specific events.
If you were wondering what this year's medals look like, take a look at the pictures posted here.