Wednesday, July 21, 2010

German Fest Photos 2010

I am going to take Photos at German Fest each day, so watch this post as I keep adding photo albums to this space.

Wednesday, July 21
This was the day before German Fest started. A mini-concert was scheduled on Old World 3rd Street with all the German Entertainers.

Thursday, July 22
This was one wet day. It rained all day, but toward evening it REALLY got bad! First they shut down all the audio equipment. Then when it was reported that the weather was getting worse, they shut down everything. Our ride home from the fest grounds was a bit scary. There was a lot of flooding throughout the Milwaukee area and fear is that it will continue till tomorrow. All the pictures are mostly of the rain. I think the Butzenmaenner actually played for a little while, but the 30th Anniversary showcase never got started. Let's all hope that the weather will soon get better.

Friday, July 23
The sun was shinning all day. I have several pictures of the Blaskappelle Milwaukee in this bunch of pictures and the German singers showcase.
Saturday, July 24
I am short on time, but I wanted to get Saturday's pictures posted before I go down to the fest grounds. I will be updating these pictures next week.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Last day of German Fest. I have to get up on Monday at 4:30 am to start work at 6 am, but I wanted to get these pictures out for everyone. During the week I will return to the website to add captions. But in the meantime here are the pictures.
Please remember you can just click on the slide show and it will take you directly into the album on Picasa. Then find the photo you want to download -- right click on the photo and download it to your computer. It's all FREE. Love that Picasa.
