Saturday, June 13, 2009

2009 Deutschen Vorentscheid Results

Finally, I had a chance to watch the Deutschen Vorentscheid for the annual Grand Prix der Volksmusik competition back on May 21. I enjoyed the show but my own personal favorites did not make the finals. My favorites have a lot to do with the fact that I have met some of them in the past and, of course, I was rooting for them, like, Reiner Kirsten. That is because we were able to meet him last year on Ted Hierl's Hawaii Cruise in 2008. The song by Gunther Behrle author that Claudia Dechant sang, Nimm diesen Ring, also did not make the finals. However, Judith & Mel's song, Liebe gibt - Liebe nimmt, which was written by Mel Jersey did make the finals and so did Claudia & Alexx. Each country has announced their finals and you will find them listed at the Grand Prix website. Note I have again included links to the singers' webpages below.

The results of the finalists going from Germany to the finals in Munich on August 29 are:

Bergkameraden & Oswald Sattler -- Ich traume von der Heimat
Judith & Mel -- Liebe gibt - Liebe nimmt
Claudia & Alexx -- Mama, danke
Rico Seith -- Tausen Augen Hoffnung

Here is the original list that competed at Germany's vorentscheid on May 21.

Vladimir Boldt -- Alle Sterne schaun Dir zu
Isartaler Hexen -- Brave Maedchen kommen in den Himmel
Zipfelbuben -- Das gibt sich bis 70
Bergkameraden & Oswald Sattler -- Ich traume von der Heimat
Benjamin Grund -- In nomine patris
Florian Fesl -- Lass uns wieder Freunde sein
Judith & Mel -- Liebe gibt - Liebe nimmt
Claudia & Alexx -- Mama, danke
Licht -- Mut zur Liebe
Claudia Dechant -- Nimm diesen Ring
Reiner Kirsten -- Signora Come stai
Rico Seith -- Tausen Augen Hoffnung
Schlagerfeuer -- Unsere Erde
Dorfrocker -- Unter'm Tanzboden sitzt der Teufel
Bel Amis -- Vaterunser

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