Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2009 Grand Prix der Volksmusik

Well, it is that time of year where the nominees for the annual Grand Prix der Volksmusik competition has started. As many of you know, each country (Austria, Germany, Sudtirol & Switzerland) will have a preliminary (vorentsteid) competition in their own countries and then send the top 4 to the final competion being held in Munich on August 29, 2009.

Happily, Vincent & Fernando are competing this year for Sudtirol again. Last year their song, Glaube an Gott was in a tie with the Klostertaler, and after 2 tie breakers they lost out. Hopefully, they will be successful this year. These talented brothers were the first entertainers I interviewed when Tim was still hosting the Stimmung Stunde. That interview aired in April 2004 and you can still hear it by CLICKING HERE. We certainly hope they make number one this year.

Also, Reiner Kirsten, from Germany, is competing. He was the featured entertainer on Ted Hierl's Hawaii Cruise in 2008. Many of the passengers enjoyed the Schwarzwald boy's beautiful songs and his charming personnality on that cruise and I know they will be rooting for him.

If you go to the Grand Prix website here are a few things to make note of. You might note the name Fabio Omero under Komponist and/or Text, that is name Rudy Giovannini uses to write under. Even Vincent & Fernando's song is from him this year. Also, note that Sauguat is competing this year ... again (they were disqualified last year).

The Germany listing shows Gunther Behrle as the author of the song that Claudia Dechant sings, Nimm diesen Ring. Judith & Mel's song, Liebe gibt - Liebe nimmt, was written by Mel Jersey. The music for the song that Benjamin Grund sings, In nomine patris, was written by Benjamin Grund. Claudia & Alexx are again among the contests and have gotten very close in the past. Those of you who watch German TV will notice that Florian Fesl is in the competition. He was on the Immer Wieder Sonntags show all summer and lost the competion the very last week.

Switzerland's Maria Da Vinci sings Jeder Herzschlag fuer dich. The music and text were written by Mario Wolf & Christoph Purtscheller, who are in the Alpentrio Tirol. I wonder why they did not have an artist from Austria perform their song.

Each country has announced their nominees and you will find them listed below or go to the Grand Prix website for more details. Note there are links to the singers' webpages below. Some of them even have samples of their songs at their websites that you can listen to.

Austria's vorentscheid will be May 30.

Natalie Holzner -- Alles fuer's Herz
Helga Frank -- Das Karussell dreht sich weiter
Pfarrer Franz Brei & Signum -- Das Leben...
Die Jungen Zillertaler -- Drobn auf'm Berg
Die Grubertaler -- Du darfst beim Autofahrn'n nit auf die Maedels schau'n
Bernd Roberts -- Hoer auf den Herz
Melanie -- I g'hoer nur dir
Zillertaler Gipfelstuermer -- Ich moechte mir Dir die Sunn aufgehn sehn
Leona & Swen -- Mach das nochmal mit mir
Yves -- Mama
Dunja -- Meine Liebe zu dir
Zellberg Buam -- Sing ma no oan
Andreas Gabalier -- So liab hob i di
Die Aufgeiger -- Sommerfieber
Steirerbluat -- Wir sind alle keine engel

Germany's vorentscheid will be on May 21

Vladimir Boldt -- Alle Sterne schaun Dir zu
Isartaler Hexen -- Brave Maedchen kommen in den Himmel
Zipfelbuben -- Das gibt sich bis 70
Bergkameraden & Oswald Sattler -- Ich traume von der Heimat
Benjamin Grund -- In nomine patris
Florian Fesl -- Lass uns wieder Freunde sein
Judith & Mel -- Liebe gibt - Liebe nimmt
Claudia & Alexx -- Mama, danke
Licht -- Mut zur Liebe
Claudia Dechant -- Nimm diesen Ring
Reiner Kirsten -- Signora Come stai
Rico Seith -- Tausen Augen Hoffnung
Schlagerfeuer -- Unsere Erde
Dorfrocker -- Unter'm Tanzboden sitzt der Teufel
Bel Amis -- Vaterunser

Sudtirol's vorenscheid will be May 8.

Das Schlernsextett -- Andreas Hofer
Vincent & Fernando -- Der Engel von Marienberg
Die Vaiolets -- Die Blume die im Herzen blueht
Die 4 Suedtiroler -- Ein ganzes herz voll Jahresringe
Patrick & seine Freunde -- Ein gutes Wort
Konrad Goller & Corinne -- Farben der Liebe
Bergfeuer -- Himalaya
Samira Dalnodar -- Kinder und Blumen
Sauguat -- Mein Reschen am See
Die Pustertaler -- Ohne die Musig
Graziano -- Romantica
Die Hopfenmusig -- Sudtiroler Marsch
Volxrock -- Wenn du kannst
Alex & die Groedner Alphorn Blaeser -- Wenn i auf Bergeshoehen steh
Etschland Express & Marion -- Wenn ich die Berge seh

Switzerland's vorenscheid will be April 25.

Sarah Jane -- Bliib doch bi mir
Geni Good & seine Glarner Oberkrainer -- Chlefeler Schtimmig
Stefan Roos & Saengerfreunde -- Das Herz einer Mutter
Salvo -- Grad wie im 7. Himmel
Gruppe Plauschler - Ich kann nicht aufhoern dich zu lieben
Christian Duss -- Das Liebeslied der Berge
Maria DaVinci -- Jeder Herzschlag fuer dich
Roman Peters -- La vita e bella
Orig. Voralpen-Express -- sag mir das, sag mir was
Yasmine-Melanie -- Schenk' mir heut' ein bisschen Zeit
Pascal G -- Tu Mi Corazon
Michelle & Philipp mit Wirbelwind -- Wenn du mein Herz beruehrst


Geli said...

Thanks for this post! Excellent summary. By the way: First videos of participants just appeared on YouTube, just found this one.

Swobet said...

Hey Geli, thanks for the comment and the great link to Steirblut's Wir sind keine Engel video