Friday, September 23, 2011

DCS Kirchweih

Date & Time
October 8, 2011 -- Doors open 5 pm & Program begins at 7 pm

Ticket Info

Ticket Cost: $20 in Advance
Call: Eva Artmann at 262-784-3199
Dinner will be served at 6 p.m.
Menu: Rouladen, Spaetzle, Red Cabbage, Vegetables & Dessert

Johnny Hoffmann & the Herzbuben will be playing for your dancing pleasure.

This annual event held by the Danube Cultural Society (DCS) is fun for the whole family. In the past there was always food available for purchase but this year this popular dance includes a delicious Rouladen dinner. The Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. featuring Rouladen, Spaetzle, Red Cabbage Vegetables and Dessert. Don't miss this special treat.
As ususal the DCS dancers will perform after dinner. But the real fun starts when the auctioning of the Kirchweih strauss begins. Be part of the action and place a bid on the Kirchweih strauss. The big surprise comes at the end of the evening when the new "couple" is announced. Also, you can visit this group on facebook.

Croatian Sacred Heart Church Hall (Map)
917 N. 49th St. (just 2 blocks north of Wisconsin Ave), Milwaukee, WI 53208